Everyone faces some form of fear, worry, uncertainty, doubt, reservation, insecurity in life. You may feel like there is no way to overcome those inhibitions, but trust me there is always a way out. Although there may be many other factors affecting your self-confidence - things that may be out of your control - but there some steps you can follow to build your self-confidence again:
Here are the 10 ways to build self-confidence.
1. Smile
A pleasant smile always increases self-confidence. Smile through it all and you will see how quickly things don’t look so glum to you anymore.
2. Groom yourself
Your appearance greatly affects your mood and level of self-confidence, so you should always dress well.
3. Focus on your work
Focus on what you are doing rather than listening to those who make up your surroundings. This will increase your self-confidence immensely and allow you to contribute with maximum efficiency. It will also teach you to ignore things that may bother you.
4. Hold your head up high
Walk around with a proud aura - like nothing in the world can bog you down. Good news or bad news you know how to handle it - so it’s okay! And remember, nothing is too much to handle.
5. Straight posture
Stand straight! Don’t slump those shoulders. Tired movements like that display a lack of self-confidence.
6. Kill negative thoughts
Replace all your negative thoughts with positive ones. It’s a bad day? You can turn it around! People aren’t listening to you, it’s their loss. That girl didn’t say ‘hi’ to you? Wave hello anyway! It’s okay!
7. Focus on solutions
Whenever you face a problem do not panic, sit down and look towards a solution. Panicking will help no body - the only way to fix this is to think of a solution. Solving something will give you a lot more confidence than pondering over the problem.
8. Compliment other people
Our negative feelings project on to other people as well in the form of a taunt or an insult. So kill those negative thoughts and start complimenting other people, not only will it make them feel great, it will make you feel good doing it and in effect will boost your own level of confidence!
9. Speak up
Speak up, give suggestions and ideas during group discussions. TALK! It is very important to voice your opinion and never be afraid of sounding stupid - everyone sounds dumb the first few times. That’s how you learn!
10. Be prepared
Be prepared to face ANYTHING in your life, it will increase your confidence automatically. Come rain, come high water, you are ready to bite the bullet!