10 Animal Attacks In Zoos
Published: Jun 2, 2024

Recently a gorrila was shot in a zoo because a child had fallen in his enclosure. Many people are upset over the gorilla being shot as they said that he was protecting the child and was doing no harm. But a wild animal is a wild animal.

Here are some incidents where animals attacked people in the zoo

1. Polar Bear - 1994

Binky the polar bear attacked Australian tourist Kathyrn Warburton when she crossed two fences to get a picture with the animal. The animal got hold of her broke her leg and caused her to suffer sever lacerations


2. Wolf - 1996

A wildlife biologist Patricia Wyman was called to take care of five gray wolves. She had been in the enclosure twice before. Once with a supervisor and the second time to feed the animals. No one knows what happened but it is believed that Patricia tripped that made the wolves attack her. They killed her and some of the flesh from her arms and legs were missing.


3. Tapir - 1998

A tapir was being fed by her zoo keeper who then attacked her by biting her arm, The zoo keeper fought back but lost her arm in the process. It couldn’t be reattached.


4. Gorilla - 2004

A gorilla named Jabari escaped from his enclosure and attacked four people. Four people including a three year old child named Rivers Heard. The Gorilla bit the boys head and his body.


5. Tiger - 2007

A Siberian tiger named Tatiana has a reputation for being aggressive. The tiger jumped a six meter high moat that was four and a half meters wide and attacked three people killing one 17 year old boy.


6. Polar bear - 2009

Polar bears are not to be messed with, a woman named Mandy K jumped into the polar bear enclousure to play with the animals. The bears naturally assumed that the woman was dinner and bit her…. on the buttocks.



7. Panda - 2006/2007/2009

Gu gu a giant panda looks very cute and friendly. But in reality it is a wild animal. The panda attacked a 35 year old drunk man who had come into his enclosure and bit the mans legs. The second time a 15 year old was feeding Gu gu when he bit the boys legs and tore big chunks from his leg that you could see the bone. The third and final time (Hopefully) a man jumped into his enclosure to retrieve his child’s toy when Gu gu went for his legs too. He was so angry that workers had to pry his jaws open with tools.


8. Killer Whale - 2010

A whale named Tilikum attacked his 40 year old trainer by dragging her underwater during a live performance


9. Elephant - 2012

Mila an elephant who had been in a circus for 30 years was moved to a zoo. Mila crushed a man with her trunk.


10. Lion - 2012

A zoo worker had to come out of retirement to help a zoo that was running low on staff. Joe Ramonetha was in an enclosure where animals could come in. Somehow a lioness was there and she attacked Joe killing him.
