How your day is going to go is decided by how you set yourself up for the next day. If you aren’t taking care of yourself and being lazy and have some bad bed time habits you won’t have a good day the next day.
Here are ten tips you can follow to guarantee you have a better day the next day:
1. Not planning for the next day
I’m not saying you should have a schedule and stick to it but at least having a list of things you want to do the next day will be beneficial for you.
2. Focusing on what happened
What happened happened, it’s best to look forward and work in the future.
3. Using technology before bedtime
There is nothing worse than scrolling through your phone before sleeping. The lights from your phone affect your sleep pattern
4. Eating late at night
Eating three hours before bed time will not only ruin your sleep but also make you fatter. Eating before bed makes our digestive system start to work when it should be resting.

5. Sleeping at irregular times
Having a varying sleep schedule throws off your Circadian rhythm and can take a toll on your professional and personal life.

6. Not sleeping enough
If there is one thing everyone needs is enough sleep. Getting enough sleep ensures your mind and body both get enough rest and recovery time they need.

7. Drinking caffeine after 6pm
Drinking caffeine before bed or anytime near bed time is never a good idea.

8. Not practising a good hygiene ritual
Having a good hygiene ritual before bed
9. Worrying about tomorrow
It’s fine to worry about an upcoming major event or a big presentation you might have to give, but if you spend everyday in bed worrying about tomorrow that’s a bad sign.

10. Not meditating
Taking some time to reflect or just go through life will bring you peace of mind and will make you more mindful and grateful for your own life.