1. France
France was the first European country to ban the burqa in public. It started in 2004, with a clampdown on students in state-run schools displaying any form of religious symbol. But in April 2011, the government went further by bringing in a total public ban on full-face veils.
2. Belgium
Belgium approved a ban on full-face veils in 2011. It outlaws any clothing that obscures people’s faces in public places.
3. The Netherlands
Last year the Netherlands approved a partial ban on the full veil, meaning women cannot have their faces covered in schools, hospital and on public transport.
4. Italy
Italy does not have a national ban on the full-face veil, but in 2010, the town of Novara imposed restrictions.
5. Spain
Several parts of Catalonia in Spain have laws against burkas and niqabs.
6. Chad
Women have been banned from wearing a full veil in Chad June 2015.
7. Cameroon
Cameroon followed suit a month after Chad by banning burkas following suicide bombings by people wearing veils.
8. Niger
The veil is banned in Diffa, a region that has been hit by Boko Haram, and the president suggested the hijab could also be banned.
9. Congo-Brazzaville
The veil has been banned here since 2015 in public places.
10. Switzerland
The the latest country to pass a ban on the full-face veil, though it only stands in the region of Tessin.