10 Dialogues By Teachers That Students Always Hated Hearing
Published: Mar 10, 2024

Teachers play a huge part in a students life. They are the first guiders and mentors of children. But we have all been through this phase, where we hated our teachers when they were speaking!

Here’s a list of hilarious dialogues our teachers used all the times, that we didn’t quite like at that time

1. Boys and girls won’t sit together

Source: Dailymoss

2. Your performance was below average, and yet you are not ashamed of yourself

Source: Dailymoss


3. You all have to sit 15 minutes extra today

Source: Tumblr

4. There is too much noise. Is this a classroom or a fish market?

Source: Dailymoss

5. Out out of my class, you are too LOUD

Source: Dailymoss


6. Did you forget to eat lunch? NO? Then how can you forget your homework

Source: emotiongif

7. Take out your pens. It’s time for a surprise quiz

Source: collegeokplease


8. Why are you always talking? (when you just said hey to your partner)

Source: Giphy


9. Don’t step inside, you are late (although you were just a minute late)

Source: Tumblr

10. You don’t know anything

Source: Tumblr


Can you think of any other dialogues that made you hate your teachers?