Yes. No. Maybe? If you ask these questions to yourself more than once a day you are definitely an extremely in decisive person. It may annoy the people around you that you take too long to make a decision, but it is equally difficult for you too. We totally understand how you feel.
Here’s a list of 10 difficulties that you can totally relate to if you are an indecisive person:
1. You can never decide what to order for food
2. You don’t know what to play in the car
3. You cant pick up a gift for someone easily
4. Even picking up a birthday card is nerve racking
5. When someone asks you to pick a restaurant for dinner
6. The daily early morning confusion regarding what to wear
7. When someone asks you to make a quick decision
8. You hate making big life decisions
9. When someone asks you if you are a 100% sure
10. You cant stand it when people bombard you with too many options
But hey you are the one who needs to make all the decisions, its your life after all! So what if its taking you some time? Let us know about all the difficulties you face if you are an indecisive person in the comments below.