You may have heard about these facts about foods such as brown bread being better than white bread and egg yolk being bad for your healthy but these facts are wrong!
Here are some facts about food you may know which are actually wrong:
1. Brown bread is better than white bread
Unless it’s mentioned on the package, the bread is usually coloured and sold as brown bread.

2. Egg yolk raises your cholesterol
Egg yolks contain dietary cholesterol, but dietary cholesterol has almost nothing to do with serum cholesterol, the stuff in your blood
3. Dark chocolate helps you lose weight
There is no evidence that supports this, but it is good for your heart and contains many anti-oxidants and vitamins.
4. People need to drink 8 glasses of water a day
Everyone’s water needs are different from person to person
5. Eating a lot of protein is bad for your kidneys
It’ll only harm your kidneys if you already have an issue with your kidneys
6. Raw foods are healthier than cooked ones
Cooking can maintain or improve the nutrition value of some foods
7. Fizzy drinks contain more sugar than other drinks
Fruit drinks contain more sugar
8. Fruit yogurt is healthy
It isn’t and contains a lot of sugars
9. Labels are not accurate
The nurtitional value of some items are not always accurate
10. Eating nuts makes you fat
Eating nuts is actually good for you. They contain healthy fats which will help you lose weight.