We’ve heard these facts growing up! We would never go against these facts because we’ve been hearing them all our lives growing up. But did you know those facts may be wrong?
Here are some facts you may believe which are wrong:
1. Sugar makes children hyper
There are no scientific studies which support this.
2. Humans have five sense
We actually have more balance, time, body awareness and our sense of pain.
3. Carrots improve your eye sight
Carrots contain Vitamin A and is good for your eye health but eating a lot of them won’t improve your eye sight.
4. Your hair and nails grow after death
They don’t. The skin dries and shrinks making it seem as though they’ve grown
5. You need to drink eight glasses of water a day
It’s not necessary to drink only eight glasses of water a day. Water requirement is different for everyone
6. Sitting close to the TV is bad for your eyes
The most it’ll do is give you a head ache
7. Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis
It won’t
8. You can eat anything off the floor if you pick it up within five seconds
It’s not true bacteria can come on anything within milliseconds
9. Chocolate causes acne
It doesn’t
10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
If you throw it hard enough it will. Apples do contain Vitamin C and fiber which are both essentials but they aren’t the only things you need to protect you.