Men and women are different from eachother so much so that mens nutrients differs from women. Eating these food won’t only make you healthy, it’ll make you stronger, save you trips to the doctor ensure you have better mental health and make you a healthier person overall.
1. Daal
Daal is one source of protein that doesn’t come meat, men who ate daal had a lower risk of heart disease and reduces cholesterol.
2. Bananas
A great source of potassium, they prevent muscle cramps and regulate blood pressure. They also have anti-inflammatory properties that keep joints healthy.
3. Porridge
Porridge lowers your cholesterol levels, improve blood flow and helps prevent heart diseases.
4. Eggs
Great source of protein and helps the body to convert food into fuel.
5. Beef
Yes! What man doesn’t love a good steak? Steak’s are the number one source of creatine which increases muscle mass by speeding protein into the muscles.
6. Olive Oil
Two tablespoons of these will help anyone lose weight, fight disease and feel great. IT’s a good fat is packed full of anti-oxidants and Vitamin E.
7. Tomatoes
These contain the anti-oxidant lycopene which lowers the risk of developing prostate cancer.
8. Almonds
These bad boys will make you lose so much weight you’d be surprised.
9. Broccoli
This prevents heart disease and cancer, it also contains mmune-boosting vitamins A, C and E, as well as the minerals magnesium and potassium, which both promote healthy blood pressure.
10. Green tea
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants such as catechins, which can inhibit cancer cell activity and stimulate production of immune-strengthening enzymes.