These foods not only look like a human body part but are beneficial for that body part. Foods such as:
1. Walnut - Brain
These are the best nuts for your brain, walnuts contain omega-3, anti oxidants, folic acid and vitamin E
2. Mushrooms - Ear
A slice mushroom turned on it’s side does resemble an ear. They contain vitamin D which prevents hearing loss.
3. Tomatoes - Heart
They contain lycopene which is essential for heart health.
4. Celery - Bones
Not only do they look like your bones they also contain silicon which is essential for bone health.
5. Carrots - eyes
Beta-caotene gives carrots it’s orange colour is also the same thing that helps maintain healthy eye sight and protects us against our eye sight from degenerating.
6. Ginger - stomach
Ginger aids in digestion and prevents nausea and vomiting.
7. Grapes - lungs
Grapes contain proanthocyanidin whcih can reduce the severity of allergy triggered asthama
8. Sweet potato - pancreas
Sweet potatoes carry Vitamin B6 which inhibits the growth of pancreatic cancer, it also helps stabilize blood sugar levels.
9. Grape fruit - Breast
Grapefruit contains substances called limonoids, which have been shown to inhibit the development of cancer in lab animals and in human breast cells.
10. Avocados - Uterus
Avocados have been shown to balance hormones and prevent cervical cancer.