The first thing anyone notices about another person is their face. Now how bad would it be that the first thing they notice are the pimples on your face? Pretty embarrassing, right? Have you tried every type of cream and had no luck? Then try these foods that will help make your skin better!
Here are some foods you should eat to get rid of pimples:
1. Cucumbers
Cucumbers are full of Vitamin A.C and E and amino acids which help fight acne.
2. Garlic
Garlic has strong anti-bacterial properties which will help reduce zits and pimples. But make you sure you have some gum handy because garlic can make your breath smell.
3. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain bioflavonoids which help reduce and repair damaged skin. Have them regularly to get rid of acne and pimples.
4. Green Tea
Green tea increases metabolism and helps you to lose weight, but did you know green tea also cleanses your body from the inside and can be used as a detox? Well, now you do!
5. Egg Yolk
Egg yolk specifically contains a great amount of vitamin E which heals your skin from scarring and damage from acne. Though eating too many egg yolks will make you gain weight so have them in moderation.
6. Oatmeal
Oatmeal contains magnesium and magnesium helps balance out acne inducing hormones.
7. Cherries
Cherries promote healing and reduce inflammation both which help get rid of acne.
8. Beans
Beans, specifically black beans, contain anti-ageing properties which are good for your skin, they are also high in protein and a great source of fiber.
9. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain Vitamin A which helps keep the skin young and is very beneficial to your skin.
10. Chicken
Chicken contains zinc which is what is needed to fight acne. Zinc also helps absorb Vitamin A which is needed for healthy skin.
Foods you should avoid!
White bread
White bread contains wheat. wheat causes inflammation and inflammation causes acne.
Fast food
Fast food in general is unhealthy for you, but did you know it’s also bad for your skin? Oily fatty foods can clog your pores and coat your skin causing break outs.
Sugar is also very inflammatory, it also causes your body to create more insulin which increases the production of oil in your skin making it more oily.
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Very good Heath production
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