You could be reading this because you probably have an interview tomorrow, or in a few hours.
What ever the case may be, these tips will help you relax and be your confident self in the interview!
1. Know what you’ve applied for
Make sure you know what position you’re applying for. You don’t want to think you’ve applied for a desk job and end up working out doors. So do your research.
2. Dress appropriately
Please make sure you’re wearing appropriate clothing. Belt, tie, polished shoes etc. Dress to impress. Dress formally.
3. Research about the company
Research about the company you’ve applied for, know what they’re all about who’s running the company, how long they’ve been running and who their target market is.
4. Bring an extra copy of your C.V.
Although nowadays you can pull out your C.V. on your phone, be sure to have an extra copy just in case. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
5. Be on time
Tardiness is not cool.
6. Do not use your phone during the interview
You want to give them your full attention, so don’t check Facebook while they ask you questions and DON’T post a selfie during your interview!
7. Have an answer for why you want to work there.
They will ask you this question, so be prepared. Talk about what you can bring to the company, apart from hard work and a great personality, and how you can benefit them.
8. Have an answer for where you see yourself in X years.
Another question every interviewer will ask. Have an idea about where you see yourself in a few years or even better, ask them where the company is headed in the next five years.
9. Body language
Don’t make yourself seem small and don’t fidget. The key is to appear confident. Sit straight, chest out, shoulders back. If you act confident, you’ll become confident.
10. Being honest
Don’t ever lie. Be honest about what you want and what you expect, and honestly lie a little. Like very little. But not a lot.
Good Luck!