10 JOHN CENA Videos That Will Crack You Up!!!
john Cena
Published: Nov 12, 2024

We’ve all heard the John Cena phone prank, for those who haven’t listen to this

So, this prank inspired a NUMBER of other prank videos. Here are 10 of the funniest It’s JOHN CENA videos!

1. Robin knew what was coming

2. There can be no other explanation to this

3. The episode where Bart said his name

4. Iron man’s real identity

5. Mary Jane finally found out who spider man is

6. When the planeteers combine their powers they bring an unstoppable force

7. What’s scarier than Jack Nicholson in The Shinning?

8. When you can be something better than happy

9. Haley Joel Osment see’s more than dead people

10. A man stronger than all the Spartans!

Post your favourite John Cena video below!