Going to a concert is a great way to stay excited, exhilarated and have fun! There is nothing better than listening to your favourite music, but that’s not all! The venue will be crowded, cramped, hot and sweaty; this basically means you’ll have to deal with all kinds of people at the venue because you can’t move around easily.
So here’s a list of ten kinds of people that you will encounter at a concert:
1. The jammers
There will be some serious jammers, grooving to the music; enjoying life like there is no tomorrow.
2. The fan girls
These fan girls will be so excited to see their favourite cute band member perform that they may scream and cry.
3. The expert
This guy feels he knows everything about the music industry, which he obviously does not.
4. The dance guru
This guy will dance like no one is watching, he is fearless, he is dangerous!
5. The head bangers
There will be a group of people who will be head banging, don’t get scared of them, they are just too involved in the music!
6. The extremely chummy couple
These guys are harmless and cute just too in love with each other.
7. Girls freaking out
Yes, be prepared to meet a group of girls yiking out at guys who are freakily approaching them
8. The loner
And then you’ll meet this guy, who will have his hands in his pockets throughout the show. Don’t judge him, he likes to be with himself.
9. The mosher
This guy is the one who will be taken out of the concert by the security guards because he will try to mosh everyone around. Guess what? That’s not how it works.
10. The selfie lovers
This group will try its level best to get in the first row and click a selfie
Source: Giphy