10 Least Expensive Cities In The World
Published: Mar 27, 2024

According to a cost of living index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit, which ranks 133 cities based on a twice-yearly survey, here’s the list of 10 least expensive cities in the world.

10. Damascus, Syria

Source: sacredsites.com

9. Caracas, Venezuela

Source: wikipedia.org

8. New Delhi, India

Source: orangesmile.com

7. Almaty, Kazakhstan

Source: airastana.com

6. Algiers, Algeria

Source: cruisingexcursions.com

5. Chennai, India

Source: expedia.com

4. Karachi, Pakistan

Source: meanwhileinpakistan.com

3. Mumbai, India

Source: asiatours.co

2. Bangalore, India

Source: ifhp.org

1. Lusaka, Zambia

Source: afktravel.com