10 Makeup Mistakes Every Girl Makes
Source: tumblr
Published: Aug 1, 2024

We all make mistakes when applying makeup, nobody is perfect, sometimes the liner smudges to much, sometimes the foundation does not match your skin tone and your face looks like a cake.

Source: tumblr

Here is a list of 10 mistakes that every girl makes according to makeup artists

1. Wearing The Wrong Foundation Shade

Foundation is supposed to gel in with your skin tone giving it an even colour. It is necessary to correctly determine the undertone. The correct colour will blend with your skin tone, making it look natural.

Source: marieclair

2. Wearing Too Much Foundation

Don’t get tempted to apply too much foundation, only the right amount will even out the imperfections in your skin, wearing too much foundation can actually make you look scary.

Source: tumblr

3. Applying makeup On Dry Skin

This is the worst thing you can do to your skin. Applying foundation on dry skin will make it more rough and make the freckles more prominent. Exfoliate your skin and get rid of the dryness before application of makeup.

Source: Cosmouk

4. Letting The Lipstick Bleed

Apply the shade that suits your over all look, with time, lips start to lose their natural definition, this leads women in making a wrong decision of the shade. Don’t let the lipstick smudge out from the edges. Use a brush to slather on the right amount of colour without adding too much.

Source: mikaylanicole

5. Using Expired Products

Most of us don’t even bother reading the expiry date of our cosmetics. Using expired makeup can give you severe skin infections.

Source: Women Health Mag

6. Applying Makeup In The Wrong Lighting

Applying makeup in bathroom lightning is the worst and most common mistake made by women, try applying makeup in a room where there is natural lightning.

Source: tumbr

7. Applying The Wrong Concealer

Try going with a color that is one to two shades lighter than your skin tone. If you select the right concealer for your skin tone it does wonders! But if you don’t it gives you the most unnatural look.

Source: tumblr

8. Wearing Too Much Face Powder

Applying face powder after foundation will give your skin a fuller coverage and it is also used to matte oily skin. But, we tend to over do using a face powder and its excess makes you look super aged.

Source: tumblr

9. Skipping Mascara

Don’t skip mascara it adds more definition to your eyes. If you don’t want to apply a liner that’s fine but don’t skip mascara, specially if you are planning on going any event at night.

Source: upcoming
Source: upcoming


10. Not Cleaning Your Brushes

Let’s be honest we seldom clean our makeup brushes after using them. Dip those brushes in Luke warm water and shampoo before reusing them.

Source: Holycitychic