If you want to attract the ladies and want to know what body parts they’re specifically attracted to then wonder no more. Here is a list of body parts women find most attractive rated from the body part they are attracted to the most to the least:
1. Washboard abs
What’s not to like about washboard abs? It’s what they notice first, if you’re not wearing a shirt that is. Also men with a lot of belly fat have lower levels of testosterone.
Source: muscleandfitness.com
2. Big butts
I guess men aren’t the only ones who like nice butts. Women do too. So if you don’t have a big butt it’s time to hit the squat rack guys.
3. Boulder shoulders
A guy with broad shoulders has always been a sign of masculinity and strength. Women LOVE that!
4. Ripped back
Women love a nice V shape on a man. How is that V shaped formed? By having a nice defined back.
5. Big arms
No, not just your biceps but a girl appreciates nice strong arms, arms that could defend her from a robber.
6. Chiseled chest
A solid chest is attractive, not a man with two bowling balls on his chest
7. Your smile
Women are attracted to men who don’t smile for short-term relationships, but are attracted to men who smile often for long term relationships.
8. Strong legs
If a man has strong defined legs you know he’s strong.
9. Hands
Are your hands dirty or clean? Can they carry her or would they get hurt lifting a dumbbell?
10. Facial hair
No, they don’t want a beard that touches your chest nor do they like the five o’clock shadow. Go for a solid strong man beard. It shows good health and parenting ability.