10 Of The Most Corrupt Countries In 2015
Published: Feb 7, 2025

Based on expert opinion, Transparency International published the Corruption Perceptions Index that measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption worldwide.

Source: transparency.org

Dark red indicates a highly corrupt public sector. Lighter red and orange countries fare a bit better, but corruption among public institutions and employees is still common. Yellow countries are perceived as cleaner, but not perfect.

Here’s the list of the most corrupt countries in 2015:

10. Guinea-Bissau

Source: dw.com

9. Venezuela

Source: guardianlv.com

8. Iraq

Source: telegraph.co.uk

7. Libya

Source: abc.net.au

6. Angola

Source: ipsnews.net

5. South Sudan

Source: one.org

4. Sudan

Source: voanews.com

3. Afghanistan

Source: iglclub.weebly.com

2. North Korea

Source: libertyinnorthkorea.org

1. Somalia

Source: independent.co.uk