A Fatwa is an Islamic legal pronouncement, issued by an expert in religious law. Though not all experts make the best laws here are some of the funniest Fatwas ever passed.
1. Pokemon
Yeah, Pokemon were banned for being able to possess the minds of your Saudi’s. Saudi Arabias Higher Committee for Scientific Research and Islamic Law said that Pokemon encourage gambling, promotes Darwin’s theory on evolution and the games include the star of David which is connected to Zionism. So stop playing/watching Pokemon!
2. Tomboys
Malaysian National Fatwa Council said if you’re a girl who’s somewhat a tom boy, well guess what? You are supposedly ‘violating human nature.’
3. The Sun revolves around the earth
Grand Mufti Sheikh Ibn Baaz knew Galileo Galilei was an idiot all along. The Sun revolves around the earth, the earth also happens to be flat and pictures that prove otherwise are a Western conspiracy against Islam. Damn Westerners
4. Mickey mouse
Muhammad Al-Munajid hates Mickey Mouse, calling him “one of Satan’s soldiers,” Sheikh Muhammad Al-Munajid decreed that household mice and their cartoon cousins must be “killed in all cases”
5. Emoticons are evil
Multaqa Ahl al Hadeeth“Emoticons are forbidden because of its imitation to Allah’s creatures whether it is original or mixture or even deformed one and since the picture is the face and the face is what makes the real picture then emoticons which represent faces that express emotions then all that add up to make them Haram.”… Exactly!
6. Unclothed sexual intercourse
Rashad Hassan Khalil dean of Islamic law at al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt said that having unclothed sexual intercourse is unlawful and taking part in it annuls the marriage.
7. Buffets
Saleh al-Fawzan Saudi preacher and member of Saudi Arabia’s senior scholars authority claimed that open buffet banquets are impermissible on the basis that they do not quote a clear price for transactions….
8. Eat your wives
Cleric Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah issued a fatwa allowing men to eat their wives if they’re hungry, doing so shows how devoted the woman is to her husband.
9. Women should not watch football
A Saudi cleric has said that women should not be allowed to watch football because they do not care who wins or loses all they do is stare at the players thighs.
10. Polio vaccines
Pakistani clerics banned polio vaccines saying the vaccine is a conspiracy to make Muslims sterile. Ironically people who suffer from polio aren’t able to reproduce so maybe it’s the Pakistani clerics who should have a fatwa put on them.