10 Of the Most ‘unHot’ Celebrities of Pakistan

We often talk about how hot certain celebrities are and can take your breath away; but no one talks about all the celebrities out there who are just plain… unhot. They may be super talented and could slay everyone with their skill, but the fact remains the same: they’re just not hot.
Here is a list, compiled in no particular order, of all the most non-hot Pakistani celebrities:
1. Meera
2. Mathira
3. Mehmood Aslam
Bulbulay [Official] By ARY Digital)
4. Sohail Ahmed
5. Shamoon Abbasi
6. Kashif Mehmood
7. Ayub Khoso
8. Film Star Saima
9. Nabeel Qureshi
Bulbulay [Official] By ARY Digital)