10 Of The World’s Most Dangerous Countries For Natural Disasters
Published: Sep 2, 2024

The World Risk Report 2016, compiled by the United Nations University for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) shows not global hotspots for a high disaster risk and the preparedness of a country towards preventing a natural event from becoming a disaster.

The report assigned a risk percentage to a total of 173 countries, based on the chances of experiencing earthquakes, storms, floods, droughts and sea level rises. Risk is at its highest where a high level of exposure to natural hazards coincides with very vulnerable societies. Here’s the list of 10 countries that are most prone to natural disasters:

1. Vanuatu

Source: looppng.com

2. Tonga

Source: news.com.au

3. Philippines

Source: treasury.worldbank.org

4. Guatemala

Source: skywalker.cochise.edu

5. Bangladesh

Source: indyarocks.com

6. Solomon Islands

Source: ABC

7. Costa Rica

Source: news.co.cr

8. Cambodia

Source: blogs.usembassy.gov

9. El Salvador

Source: Telegraph

10. Timor-Leste

Source: easttimorlawandjusticebulletin.com