Drugs are dangerous, they’re unhealthy and can ruin your life. Here are some of the most dangerous drugs in the world
1. Ketamine
Ketamine otherwise known as horse tranquilizers. It is addictive. People on the drug face hallucinations and lasts less than 2 hours with feelings of detachment. An overdose is fatal. Side effects include bladder problems, memory loss and psychological impairments.
2. Purple Drank
Drank mostly and made famous by rappers. It consists of soda water, sweets and cold medicine. The drink makes you woozy throughout the day but long term repercussions can lead to respiratory issues and heart failure.
3. Crack Cocaine
This drug can be snorted and in some cases smoked. Doing coke can cause you to have a sudden heart attack or stroke. It is also causes some withdrawal symptoms and minor psychological issues.
4. Amphetamines
Also known as speed this drug is addictive, as tolerance for it grows quickly. It was found that people who use this drug a lot are susceptible to schizophrenia with hallucinations.
5. PCP
Auditory hallucinations, image distortion, severe mood disorders, and amnesia may also occur. This drug is addictive, and often lead to psychological dependency and craving.
6. Crystal Meth
This drug is extremely addictive and can make the user feel extremely smart and argumentative. Long term effects of the drug consists of heart attacks, strokes, internal organs failure and in some cases death.
7. Bath salts
Resembling actual bath salts, bath salts the drug can be injected, snorted and smoked. Users of the drug experience hallucinations and are prone to violent behavior. Users report symptoms of head aches, heart palpitations, paranoia and panic attacks.
8. Heroin
Herion is synthesized from morphine, and can be injected or smoked. This drug is also highly addictive and many overdoses occur because of this drug. Users after injection feel euphoria. Overdose of this drug can be fatal and at times users who use the same needles get HIV.
9. Krokodil
This drug is derived from heroin, is highly addictive and very harmful. It’s eight to ten times more potent than morphine but the high only lasts 2 hours so users use the drug quite often. Users have extreme skin conditions which makes their skin scale like, memory loss, blood poisoning, limb amputations, rotting gums and death.
10. Devils breath
The worlds most dangerous drug in the world, this drug can be absorbed by the skin and even smelling the drug puts you under its spell. People under the drug become like zombies and are susceptible to do anything you tell them to. It can wipe a persons memory completely and can be used to make someone empty their back account or murder someone.