Women find men who hold these professions very attractive, if you want to attract women pick one of these professions and you’ll be surrounded by women.
1. Photographer
Who doesn’t want to date a man who can capture the best picture of you?
2. Military
Be it the army, airforce or navy. A man in uniform is something a woman can not ignore, especially a man who defends his country.
3. Lawyer
A man who knows his way with words will know the way to your heart.
4. Pilot
Think of all the places you could travel with your significant other, there’s also something about a man in a uniform that women love.
5. Teacher
What girl hasn’t had a crush on their teacher, you can now finally date a teacher!
6. Entrepeneur
An ambitious man who’s also driven and smart. Whats not to find attractive?
7. Athlete
A man who is in good shape and is famous for his physical abilities. Yeah who wouldn’t find him attractive.
8. Doctor
Who’s mother would disapprove of a doctor? No ones!
9. Singer
Who doesn’t want to be sung to sleep, and when he says your name with his voice it’ll make you melt.
10. Actor
Come one! The fame and fortune with this one. You’ll also be famous by association.