10 Reasons Fawad Khan Has Ruined Men For Pakistani Women
Published: Nov 26, 2024

I really liked Fawad Khan as a singer. E.P was my favourite band. Plus, I loved when he used to look like this:

Source: galaxypicture.com

Pakistani women are head over heals for Fawad Khan. They are CRAZY for him. He is the god of romance for Pakistanis. He is the one who has ruined men for Pakistani women. Here’s why:

1. This is what shirtless Fawad Khan looks like:

Source: likesuccess.com


But in reality men look like this:

2. This is Fawad khan rocking his beard

Source: india.com

This is an average man trying too hard to grow a beard

3. When Fawad Khan flirts

When an average Pakistani flirts

4. When Fawad Khan turns his sexy mode on

Source: twitter.com


When an Average Pakistani tries to look sexy

5. Fawad khan hair on a bad hair day


Normal guys’ hair on a good hair day

6. Fawad Khan rocking a suit

Source: bollywoodlife.com

Average Pakistani man shocking everyone in a suit

7. When Fawad Khan sings

When an average Pakistani man sings

8. When Fawad wears shades

When an average man wears shades

9. Fawad Khan’s sense of style

Average Pakistani’s sense of style

10. Fawad Khan’s selfie

Source: es.klear.com

Average Pakistani’s selfie

And finally

Girls when they’re around Fawad Khan

Source: showbizpak.com

Girls when they’re around an average Pakistani man

Dear Fawad Khan,

Thanks for NOTHING!


An average Pakistani man.



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