Everyones hair turns grey when they grow older, it’s part of life. It happens because as people grow older the pigment which makes our hair black gradually dies, when there are fewer pigment cells the hair obviously turns white or grey. But in some cases people as young as 18 have been seen with grey hair. There are a number of reasons for that. Reasons such as:
1. You inherit it from your parents
Children who’s parents hair turned grey at an early age will pass on that gene to their children. So if your parents had grey hair at an early age guess who else will?
2. Stress
Robert Leftkowitz, Nobel Prize winner discovered that stress can impact on our DNA and result in premature aging and graying of hair.
3. Not taking enough nutrition
Insufficient nutrition will directly affect a persons physical development and progression, this can lead to premature graying of hair.
4. You’re not drinking enough water
If you don’t drink enough water it will cause you to dehydrate and will in turn make your scalp dry. Dehydration makes your hair rough, dry and gray.
5. Drinking too much coffee
High intake of caffeine can make you dehydrate and will promote the release of a stress hormone.
6. Not taking your vitamins
A deficiency of Vitamin B-2, B-6 and B-12 can cause our body not perform physiological functions efficiently
7. Not sleeping enough
Not sleeping enough causes stress, stress can also cause… you guessed it. Grey hair.
8. Using a lot of hair products
Using products on your hair again and again can cause follicular damage. Over time these follicles will lose their ability to produce colour and will make your hair grey.
9. Hair dryers
Using hair dryers excessively and hair straighteners can damage hair strands, and can damage hair follicles in the scalp that produce hair.
10. Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism can cause your hair to become weak, thin and even gray.