If you’re a guy who hang out with A LOT of girls but isn’t dating anyone of them, my friend you’re a bhai. There’s nothing wrong with being a bhai, being a bhai is a good thing. But if you think that you’re going to eventually date one of those girl and go from a bhai to a Boyfriend you’re not.
Here’s why:
1. You’re TOO nice
I’m not saying don’t be nice, being nice is a good thing! It’s great actually. But if you’re going shopping with her, holding her bag etc.. You’re more of a naukar than a potential boyfriend. Be nice, but don’t be her slave.
2. You’re kind of boring
Bhai’s are boring, they play everything safe and don’t do anything adventerous or daring. They have the same boring conversation and go to the same boring restaurants everytime. It sucks, do something crazy! Go for a play or a new stand up comedy show. Do some stuff you’ve never done before or feel uncomfortable doing. It’ll be fun!
3. You don’t carry yourself well
You need to take care of yourself. No girl wants to date the guy who doesn’t dress well or looks like he could eat everyone’s food in the restaurant if he wanted. Take care of yourself, exercise and dress well. Look like a person someone would want to date!
4. You’re too easy
Women like a bit of a chase, they don’t want someone they can get easily but someone they have to work for. Don’t be readily available every time they call. Be stubborn, be busy when she calls. Don’t ditch plans for her.
5. You become friends first
Don’t take the route of being first and then eventually being more than friends. If you’re going to introduce yourself and say you’re friends she’s going to think of you like that and nothing else. Don’t hide your true intentions and don’t put yourself in a zone you don’t want to be in.
6. She doesn’t know you’re interested in her
How is she supposed to know that you want to be more than a bhai if you don’t tell her? Also don’t bring it up out of the blue, drop subtle hints letting her know how you feel.
7. She likes someone else
It’s possible that she’s interested in someone else and has been for a long time. That doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you. She just likes someone else.
8. She doesn’t like you that way
Yeah, it’s hard to digest but could be possible. Just because you like someone and want to date them doesn’t mean they feel the same way, there’s nothing wrong with you or her she just doesn’t want to date you and that’s okay. It sucks but its okay.
9. She genuinely likes you as just a friend
Some people make better friends than boyfriends, maybe you’re one of those guys. It’s not bad you could get her to get you a girlfriend if you really want. Plus girls are more comfortable around guys who have girls around them, makes them more approachable. Also whats better than having a friend for life?
10. She’s just using you
Yeah, some girls are like that they’ll string you along, make you do all those things a boyfriend would and still call you bhai or just a friend. These girls are mean, stay away from them!