Ramsay Bolton sadly died in the last episode of Game of Thrones. He was one of those characters who everyone hated, but there was also something endearing about him. Though he was a mad man you just wanted to see what he was going to do. He was the epitome of evil.
Here are some reasons I will miss Ramsay Bolton
1. He was a maniac I loved to hate
He wasn’t kidding btw
2. He just knew how to piss anyone off
3. He made the transition from Theon to Reek incredibly uncomfortable
4. His calm demeanor when in trouble was amazing
This is him when he saw some people with swords
5. He was an exciting character where you didn’t know what he was going to do next
Like when he stabbed his father
6. You saw a deep side to him when his girl friend died but that all went away when he told his men to feed her corpse to the dogs
7. His first interaction with Jon Snow was such a classic
8. He killed the last giant
9. Even when he was defeated he was still smiling
Who does that?