10 Reasons Why It Is Awesome Being A Woman In Pakistan
Published: May 25, 2024

People around the world have many assumptions about Pakistan especially with regards to how women are ‘oppressed’ in Pakistan. They are curious to know whether the conditions allow us, women, step out of the house ‘safely’. But, not many know the privileges that come with being a woman in Pakistan!

Here are 10 reasons why it’s absolutely awesome to be a woman in Pakistan:

1. People are very polite to you.

They will always refer to you as ‘baji‘, ‘madam’, behain, ‘beta’, ‘sister’ ,’khala’, ‘amma’ and say ‘aap‘ instead of ‘tum‘.


2. They will make way for you.

If you are stuck in a crowd and need to get through. The crowd of men will make way and clear the path before you can manage to say ‘excuse me’.


3. It’s always ‘Ladies first’

Whether you’re in a line to pay the bill or you want to get cash from an ATM. The guys standing around will always insist you go first.


4. Public transport stops for you every time!

Travelling in public transport can be a hassle but there are times it’s a piece of cake. More than four rickshaw walas will stop for you before you make a move and the bus wala will stop the bus in the middle of the road, if required, and wait for you to get on.


5. Help is always readily available

If you’re carrying heavy groceries, there will be at least one guy who will gallantly offer his help. And if someone tries to do any funny business, one shout and the men in all around you and surrounding neighbourhoods will jump to your defence.


6. Convenience for working ladies

Not only do we have maternity leave, but almost all of the work places in Pakistan offer convenient work timings for women and most even provide pick and drop! Who said women can’t work in Pakistan?

Source: nydailytimes

7. We ALWAYS have sales!

Whether it’s shoes, clothes, lawn/cotton suits, home decor and what not, there will always be one sale or the other to pacify every woman out there.

Source:, batastore, friendsmania

8. Gorgeous jewelry and clothes.

The most beautiful jewelry, with delicate designs and elaborate traditional works are available for peanuts. We’ve got world class designers in Pakistan, I mean, even Bollywood has nothing on Pakistan’s fashion industry!

Source: fashionelan, fashiontrendsinpk, libasgallery, glabalmag, bargello

9. So many options available to spend your time leisurely

Fitness clubs, gyms, swimming pools, parks and recreational classes like cooking, sewing and what-not available separately for ladies. You name it and we have it!


10. Chivalry is definitely not uncommon <3

Women complain that chivalry is dead but that isn’t the case for Pakistan. Holding the door open for you, making way for you and getting you flowers is something very ordinary to a woman in Pakistan. We aren’t spoilt, but we’re definitely pampered. Also, Pakistani men ALWAYS insist on paying the bill when they take you out. *Cha-Ching*

Source: maxresdefault

Honestly, we feel like we’re royalty, so I don’t know why everyone thinks we’re so oppressed!