Being in a relationship is great, but being single is better. If you’ve just got out of one or are single and are sad about it, read these points and rejoice. Being single isn’t bad and here’s why:
1. You have time to do more things YOU want
Wanna go for gaming? Go! Wanna go watch a cheesy movie? Go! The world is your oyster.
2. No drama
No conflict about anything anymore, you can hang out with who you want whenever you want. Go party!
3. You don’t need to stay groomed all the time 
Don’t want to shave? Don’t shave
4. Guilt free night out with your friend
Part of point no 2 you can hangout with the people your significant other hated.
5. You can flirt
Or not
6. Don’t have to worry about your social media
You can snap chat what you’re doing and check in anywhere. You aren’t hiding from anyone anymore
7. You sleep better when you’re alone
According to this study single people have less problems going to sleep than married couples.
8. You’ll stay fit
According to this study being in a relationship makes you gain weight
9. More productive
Being single actually makes you more productive
10. Bigger social circle
Single people tend to make a bigger social circle than couples, that’s because couples only hang out with other couples while single people hang out with everyone.