Waking up early sucks, everyone loves to sleep in late and wake up whenever feel like. But that is not beneficial for you at all.
Here are some benefits of waking up early in the morning:
1. You get a lot done in the morning
Don’t have time to work out? Don’t have time to make breakfast? You would if you woke up earlier.
2. Improves your immune system
Sleeping early and waking up early is good for your immune system. You get the amount of sleep you need.
3. Mental health
Waking up early is good for your mental health, you’re calm because you have a lot of time to do everything.
4. Improves your sleep quality
Waking up early offers more restorative sleep for you at night. It helps establish a good routine for your body
5. Better grades
Yup! A study conducted by Texas University states that college students who identified themselves as ‘morning people’ earned a grade point higher on their GPAs than the ‘night owls’.
6. Better focus
Waking up early while everyone is asleep will help you zone in on what you need to get done for the entire day.
7. Consistent increase in productivity
The more you get used to waking up early the more healthier you’ll become.
8. You’ll become a high acheiver
Every High achiever from Mark Zuckerburg to Richard Branson are all early birds.
9. Less head aches
Sleeping late and waking up late are one of the biggest causes of head aches, guess what will happen if you sleep and wake up early?
10. Healthier life
Sleeping late and waking up late causes heart problems and a number of other health risks such as cancer!