Getting ready for an event, looking all dolled up and pretty makes all us girls happy! We look good we feel good! But when it becomes too tedious to remove makeup, that too when we are coming back from an event that ended late night, and so we sometimes feel its fine to sleep with our makeup on.
Guess what? ITS NOT!
Here’s a list of 10 reasons why you should never sleep with your makeup on:
1. Your skin hates you when you wake up in the morning
2. This is how you feel when you wake up in the middle of the night
3. You will become a threat to white pillows and bed sheets
4. If you happen to rub your eyes while sleeping waking up with a smudged mascara all over your face wont be the best sight to see
5. People around you may get shocked
6. It will take extra strength to remove all the makeup that stayed on the ENTIRE night
7. Sometimes the mascara wont just go even after several attempts
8. Even after you get rid of all that makeup in the morning you will notice dark circles beneath your eyes
9. You may notice freckles on your face that were never there before
10. You will soon realize that sleeping with your makeup on was a BIG MISTAKE
Let us know about how you feel when you wake up to a face that had makeup on the entire night.