Taking vacations is not in our culture, it’s not something people do often when it is something they should do every year.
Here’s why you should travel
1. Traveling decreases your mental stress
Researchers say that after just a 2 or 3 days of travel 89% people experience significant drops in stress
2. Releives your depression
visiting new place, new people & change in environment relieves people from depression.
3. Helps over come your fears
The more you travel the less you fear
4. Improves your social skills
Meeting new people from different walks of life will broaden your horizons
5. Traveling with your significant other increases intimacy
Couples who travel together have reported increased feelings of intimacy
6. Lowers risk of heart disease
Taking a vacation is good for your heart
7. Improves brain health
Why wouldn’t it? You get to see so much more when you travel
8. Makes you creative
It’s proved that traveling and seeing new environments exposes us to new perspectives
9. You’ll be more confident
You will realise you can do much more than you ever thought before
10. You’ll appreciate your home more
Absence makes the heart grow fonder