A true friend is hard to come by, we may have many Facebook friends but how many of them can we actually call our real friends? Not too many right? When we’re all looking for true friends we don’t look inside ourselves and see if we are true friends ourselves or not.
If you are a true friend you most likely do these things:
1. You don’t gossip behind your friends back
True friends say what ever they want to say in front of their friends. They don’t go behind their friends back.
2. Don’t keep count of things you’ve done for them
If you do something you do it because you want to, not because you expect something in return.
3. You don’t get personal when angry
When you get upset with a friend you don’t resort to personal attacks about their short comings.
4. You make time for your friends
You may be busy with school, work and family but always find time to give to your friends.
5. You listen
When you listen you really do listen to their problems and issues and try and help your friends out instead of thinking about what to say back.
6. You encourage your friends
What ever their dreams or aspirations may be no matter how impossible they seem you support them no matter what. As long as they aren’t harming themselves or anyone else.
7. You don’t judge others on their pasts
The past is the past, let it stay there.
8. You don’t try to fix others
You let people be how they are, and it’s silly to try to “Fix” someone.
9. You celebrate the good times
You don’t hold on to the bad things that happen.
10. You don’t take the friendship for granted
Good friends are rare to come by and you make sure you can be one to the people you love.