10 Signs That You Are Really Addicted To A TV Show
Published: Jul 3, 2024

Ever been so anxious for next Monday on Monday itself because your favourite TV Show airs on Monday? Do you feel happy or proud for that matter talking about a specific TV character of a show?

If yes then you are totally addicted to that TV show. Here are 10 sings that you may be facing!

1. You don’t like noise around you when watching the show.

Source: Giphy

2. You get really really curious about the next episode.

Source: Giphy

3. When you can’t control your curiosity you go back and watch the old episodes to think of what might happen next.

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4. You can easily connect with people who follow the same shows as you do.

Source: tumblr

5. And you do not get those people who don’t watch the show.

Source: Giphy

6. After all the show is totally..

Source: tumblr

7. You compare the people around you with the characters of the show quite often.

Source: tumblr

8. You love the theme song of the show.

Source: Giphy

9. You pretend being sick to cancel plans with friends on the night your show is on.

Source: Giphy


10. When the show finally ends, you come to the sad realization that your life can not be the same again.