Everyone needs friends! Friends make the world go round. But sometimes those people who we think are our friends are really not our friends.
Here are some signs your friends are not your friend:
1. They only meet you when it’s convenient for them
They never work around your schedule you have to work around theirs

2. They expect you to ditch your plans for them
They don’t care who you’re with when they call you they expect you to leave everything and chill with them.

3. They’re only there for the good times
If there are bad times around they’re nowhere to be seen.

4. They’ll bitch about their other friends and yours!
Expect them to do the same with you

5. Instead of building you up from a failure they kick you down
They love it when you fail!

6. They don’t accept you as you are
They keep asking you to change but don’t!

7. They tend to judge you
Not cool

8. You can’t trust them with any secrets
They tell everyone!

9. Hanging out with them is more stressful than fun
You’re always worried about what you have to say next

10. At times you wonder why you’re even hanging out with them