If you can relate to any of these signs then you need to get a drink of water in you ASAP. Our bodies are 70% water and for this reason we need to keep drinking water as often as we can.
1. Your mouth is dry
This seems obvious but drinking water lubricates the mucus membranes in your mouth and throat. It’s better to drink water than sugary drinks.
2. Your muscle mass is decreasing
Our muscles are also comprised mostly of water. Less water = Less lean muscle mass.
3. You’re hungry
sometimes our bodies confuse thirst as hunger. Maybe you’re not hungry you’re just thirsty.
4. You’re constipated
Hydrating helps lubricate our whole body even our digestive system.
5. Your joints ache
Our cartilage and spinal discs are made of 80% water. If your joints ache stay hydrated to ensure your joints stay healthy
6. Dry skin
Your skin needs to stay hydrated and lack of water and minerals can cause your skin to be dry.
7. You’re feeling fatigued
A lack of properly hydrated blood leads to a lack of oxygen being brought throughout the body. This will cause you to fatigue.
8. You’re not using the washroom enough
If you aren’t using the washroom at least 4 - 7 times a day you aren’t drinking enough water. Your urine should be clear if it’s a dark yellow colour your body is telling you that you need to drink water.
9. You stay sick for days
If you’re sick often and for a long time it means you aren’t drinking enough water. Water flushes out the toxins in our system and if you aren’t drinking water the toxins are staying.
10. You’re reading this
If you’re reading this you should go drink some water right now!