These celebrities had the strangest things done to their bodies after they passed away:
1. James Doohan
James played Scotty in Star Trek, after he died his ashes were sent into orbit
2. Mother Teresa
Her body was paraded around Calcutta after she died
3. Tupac
Tupac’s ashes were mixed with marijuana and smoked by members of the group called Outlaw Immortalz
4. Bruce Lee
Footage of his actual funeral were used in a movie he starred in
5. Hunter S Thompson
His ashes were fired from a canon as his favourite songs were played
6. Jim Henson
No one was allowed to wear black at his funeral and his favourite songs from sesame street were played. Big bird even came.
7. Frank Sinatra
They buried him with a bottle of whiskey, a zippo lighter and a coin as a joke in case he needed to call anyone
8. James Brown
He had three funerals and each funeral the bodys clothes were changed
9. Charlie Chaplin
His body was removed after being buried and held for the ransom of $600,000. It was found in a cornfield and then buried again
10. Fredric Baur
The creator of pringles ashes were were buried in a pringles can