10 Strange Things Celebrities Did After They Died
Published: Mar 27, 2024

These celebrities had the strangest things done to their bodies after they passed away:

1. James Doohan

James played Scotty in Star Trek, after he died his ashes were sent into orbit

Source: startrek.com

2. Mother Teresa

Her body was paraded around Calcutta after she died

Source: dailymail.co.uk

3. Tupac

Tupac’s ashes were mixed with marijuana and smoked by members of the group called Outlaw Immortalz

Source: examiner.com

4. Bruce Lee

Footage of his actual funeral were used in a movie he starred in

Source: bruceleefansite.com

5. Hunter S Thompson

His ashes were fired from a canon as his favourite songs were played

Source: mirror.co.uk

6. Jim Henson

No one was allowed to wear black at his funeral and his favourite songs from sesame street were played. Big bird even came.

Source: youtube.com

7. Frank Sinatra

They buried him with a bottle of whiskey, a zippo lighter and a coin as a joke in case he needed to call anyone

Source: pinterest.com

8. James Brown

He had three funerals and each funeral the bodys clothes were changed

Source: cbc.ca
Source: socialitelife.com


9. Charlie Chaplin

His body was removed after being buried and held for the ransom of $600,000. It was found in a cornfield and then buried again

Source: dcaligari.blogspot.com

10. Fredric Baur

The creator of pringles ashes were were buried in a pringles can

Source: juststuffifoundontheinternet.wordpress.com