Virgos are the quieter zodiacs, introverts of sorts, as compared to the others out there. But they are very well-spoken. They are great problem solvers, fiercely independent, analytical and precise. But there are some things a Virgo would never say!
Here is a list of 10 things we could think of:
Virgo’s are very smart and analytical, they will NOT make claims without knowledge on any topic.
Virgos will take their time doing anything. These perfectionists have to make sure things are top-notch - so 2 minutes could easily mean anything from 2 hours to 2 days.
Virgo are extremely clean and CANNOT stand a mess.
Virgos are very independent and don’t rely on anyone esle to do their work for them. Unlike the rest of us. Ahem Ahem.
What a joke! Ha! EVERYTHING has to be perfect for a Virgo.
Virgos hate being a burden on anyone. Even their own better halves.
Virgo’s are excellent judges of characters and understand people very well. You won’t see a Virgo hanging out with bad friends.
Virgos don’t get bad grades. They work hard at everything they do. So yea, these are the girls and boys you want to punch because you saw them relaxing yesterday but acing the exam today.
Nope. Can’t happen. These guys will organise their books, their movies, songs, clothes, shoes, belts and even their toilettries. They will coordinate either alphabetically, through colour, shape, size or number.
There is no such thing as impulse with these guys. They are very analytical and won’t make any decisions at the spur of the moment. Calm, collected and pretend to have no emotions.
They have long term vision and take their lives very seriously. But they also have a passion for living. You know how we are told that every human has a secret about life that no one else knows? Well, we 11 zodiacs can take a lifetime just to figure that out, these guys know exactly what it is. Maybe sit and chat with them and they can tell you the secret of Living and Loving life.