Do you ever look at happy people and get really annoyed and wonder why and how they’re so happy? Well it turns out you can be a happy person too because happy people have many things in common.
Here are 10 things happy people have in common
1. They have friends they can truly trust
No not your Facebook friends but the real ones who really do know everything about you
2. They spend time with the people they love
Be it your friends, family even your pets.
3. They are kind
If you’re ever feeling sad cheer someone else up and you’ll cheer yourself up in the process
4. They exercise
Release those endorphins
5. They spend money on experiences
Spending money on experiences rather than material things are more valuable
6. They slow down
In a fast paced world they relax and take in the scenery instead of moving from one thing to another
7. They live in the moment
They aren’t thinking about the future or the past. They’re thinking about the present
8. They value their own time
When you have time do what you want, not what others want you to do
9. They live comfortably
They live outside of their comfort zone and spend extravagantly. They live within their comfort zone.
10. Don’t compare themselves to others
Everyone is living their own life and walking their own path
If you want to be happy its time to adopt some of these habits