10 Things I Found Out About Pablo Escobar After Watching Narcos!
Published: Oct 13, 2024

After watching Narcos, a series based on the real life Colombian drug lord, Pablo Escobar, I started doing a bit of research on him. What I found out about Pablo Escobar could deem him a super villain.

Here’s a list of things Pablo Escobar did:

1. He bought a jet specifically to transport his drug money

2. He would smuggle upto 15 tonnes of Cocaine each day

3. He tried to change the laws of his country

4. He spent $2500 a month on rubber bands to hold his money

5. He owned a personal zoo

6. His house was over 5000 acres

7. He had so much money that he would lose 10% of his pre-laundered money to spoilage.

8. He even built his own freaking jail!

9. Whilst running from the authorities, his daughter got sick so to keep her warm he burnt $2 million dollars


10. He was responsible for the death of over 4000 people including 20 judges and over 1000 police officers, journalists and government officials.


Super villain or just super mafioso?