10 Things That Happen If You Don’t Watch The Game Of Thrones
Published: Oct 10, 2024

‘Game of Thrones’ is a TV series that has been created for HBO (I had to Google this) and the entire world is obsessed with it. It has a 9.5 rating on IMDb, which is a big deal, but I just can’t get myself to watch the series. Here are 10 things that happen for you when you don’t watch the ‘Game of Thrones’:

1. The only ‘Stark’ you know is Tony Stark.

Source: Tumblr

2. You keep getting reactions like “You don’t watch GoT? Why the hell not?”


3. And then everyone keeps telling you to watch the goddamn show.

And you’re like:

Source: Tumblr

4. Even if you want to start watching, you can’t be bothered because one episode is an hour long and there so many seasons!!!


5. And you casually watch a random episode and you don’t have a friggin’ idea about what’s going on.


6. Your friends keep whining about someone dying in the series and you don’t know what the big deal is.

Source: Tumblr

7. It annoys you when a GoT episode comes out and your friends have to watch it ON THAT VERY DAY so they ditch a plan with you.


8. And the very next day everyone has to discuss what happened in the episode last night.

And you feel like:

Source: Tumblr

9. Social media is flooded with GoT statuses and pictures and memes and GIFs that just go over your head.

Source: Tumblr

10. And, you can’t believe there is a dragon on the show, because really!? I mean, they’re dragons on the show for cryin’ out loud!


If you don’t like the Game of Thrones, join the club!