With our current jobs and life style getting a full nights sleep isn’t something that happens often. Even though we need to sleep about 7 hours a night sleeping more is actually better for you.
Here’s what happens when you get more sleep than you need:
1. You’ll be more happy
People who don’t get enough sleep tend to be depressed an anxious. People who sleep enough don’t face these problems.
2. Better memory
People who sleep enough have better short term memory and perform well on tests
3. You get stronger
If you aren’t getting enough sleep after your workouts
4. Your eye sight improves
The longer you stay up late the worse your eye sight becomes
5. You’ll speak well
With less sleep your speech can get slurred, slow and monotonous tone
6. Less heart problems
Sleeping five hours or less causes a 45% increase in heart attack risks
7. Your skin will glow
People who get enough sleep have healthier skin and show fewer signs of aging
8. Less risk of cancer
Night workers are more likely to develop colon and breast cancer.
9. It’ll make you a better driver
Driving sleepy is like driving drunk
10. You’ll be more productive at work
The more tired you are the more harder it will be to concentrate at work