Who doesn’t love eating sweets? It’s the best reward to give to children who behave well, but did you know that the sugar you have is one the main causes in obesity, diabetes and other diseases? Leaving sugar doesn’t only make you healthy it hosts a lot of other benefits too.
1. You’ll become younger
Leaving sugar won’t really make you younger but it will slow down the ageing process. It’s a process known as glycation, where sugar attatches to our skin causes inflammation, reduces the elasticity of skin and the proteins which make us look young.
2. Your skin will glow
Apart from looking younger leaving sugar will contribute to less acne break outs and improve your skin tone and complexion. This is all again because your body doesn’t have to deal with inflammation from sugar.
3. You won’t ever be tired
Eating sugar gives you a sugar rush but it will also give you a sugar crash, you’ll be more energised when you leave sugar as you’ll be eating more nutrient dense foods as a result of leaving sugar.
4. You shrink
What a surprise, cutting sugar out of your diet makes you lose weight, without sugar as a source of energy your body starts burning it’s fat stores as a source of fuel.
5. You won’t have food cravings
Sugar is addictive eating something sweet will make you want more. Leaving sugar altogether makes you stop having those cravings. It will only take ten days of not having sugar to help you get over your cravings.
6. No aches or pains
Okay not really, but you remember the inflamation we were talking about, it also causes joint pain, strain and swelling. Avoiding sugar and carbs lessens body pain.
7. Stomach gets stronger
We have bacteria in our stomach both good and bad. Sugar messes up the good bacteria in our stomach affecting our overall health.
8. You won’t get sick as often
Eating sugar in excess is linked to numerous dieases such as diabetes, autoimmune disorders, heart diseases and even cancer. No sugar = No diseases.
9. Better sleep
Blood sugar issues are the second leading cause of insomnia. By ditching those late night sugar cravings you are avoiding a rise in sugar levels that keep you up at night.
10. You won’t suffer from mental health
Sugar affects our mental health in two ways It firstly suppresses activity of horomone BDNF, people who suffer from depression and schizophrenia are known to have low levels of BDNF. It also causes chronic inflammation which along with affecting the body also affects a persons immune system and wreaks havoc on the brain.