The world revolves round the internet. It’s something everyone has and everyone uses. I mean you’re using it to read this article right now. Have you ever experienced what happens when you don’t have internet though?
If you have you’ll relate to these points:
1. You cry about not having internet
Oh god WHY!?! Why isn’t it working!!
2. You have no idea what to do with your computer anymore
Like what do I search for? NOTHING! THERE IS NOT INTERNET
3. You start to roam around the house aimlessly
Wow I never knew I had a balcony
4. You think about messaging your friends on WhatsApp and then realise you don’t have WiFi
5. You start to watch T.V
Oh wow there’s a 100 news channels and nothing else
6. You talk to your family
They aren’t bad as long as they don’t make fun of you
7. You consider eating something
When all else fails… just eat
8. Since you can’t check Facebook you decide to clean your room a little
You find soooo many things
9. You make a plan to go outside to a place where you can use WiFi because you’re desperate
Please tell me the WiFi. PLEASE!
10. You have nothing to do at night so you go to sleep early
Actually a good part of not having internet