10 Things That Happen When You Get Stuck In Traffic
Published: Aug 9, 2024
Today I came very late to the office, even though I woke up on time, got ready on time, even drove well and respectably but was still late. Want to know why? Traffic. Yes, I was outside my office for forty five minutes because of traffic.
Here are something I noticed that happen when you get stuck in traffic.
1. You get really mad
2. Everyone around you starts to annoy you
3. When a person over takes you this is what you’re like
4. And when you both end up next to each other this is your face
5. When you see a line moving and you try and get into that line
6. The music on the radio starts to suck
7. You feel like you’ve been there for five minutes but its been fifteen
8. You check your phone because there is literally nothing else to do
Yeah don’t do that even when you’re in traffic…
9. You message your boss you’re going to be late
Traffic boss…. Traffic
10. When you finally come in you do the walk of shame for coming in late.
And when everyone stares at you