Sleeping is something we all do and many of us love. Sadly, due to a busy work schedule or an unhealthy lifestyle, many people do not get enough sleep. Though they may think they can function properly on little to no sleep, the reality is quite different.
Here’s what happens to you when you don’t get enough sleep.
1. You get sick easily
Less sleep makes it harder for your body to fight illnesses because it’s exhausted from not getting enough sleep.
2. You become more forgetful
Sleep is critical to helping you learn new things and remember old things.
3. You gain weight
People who get less than 5 hours of sleep are more prone to gaining weight! AHHHH!
4. You can’t think straight
Your memory, decision-making, reasoning, and problem solving skill all suffer on less sleep.
5. Headaches
Sleep deprivation is closely related to having more headaches.
6. Bad eyesight
Less sleep can even give you double vision, tunnel vision and/or dimness.
7. Your libido lowers
For some men less sleep = lower libido = lower testosterone.
8. It’s bad for your skin
People who get less sleep have more wrinkles, pigmentation and loose skin than those who sleep well.
9. Risk of diabetes increases
Getting seven to eight hours of sleep helps avoid insulin issues.
10. Cancer!
Less sleep is associated with higher rates of breast, colorectal and prostate cancers.