10 Things You Can Relate To If You Have An Overprotected Elder Sibling
Published: Mar 16, 2024

Does your elder sibling always want to help you with everything? Do they claim that they know better than you? Do they always act like your parents? Then definitely you have an overprotected sibling. Doing all this doesn’t mean they don’t love you it’s just that they care way too much for you. Here are 10 things you can relate to if you have an over protected sibling.

1. They are like having a third parent in your life

Source: almostmature

2. You have to tell them everything, where are you going? With whom are you going? When will you come back?.. Literally everything

Source: icarly.wikia

3. You can argue with them but they know how to prove themselves right because they are elder than you


4. They can easily blackmail you in front of your parents


5. They will get mad at you if you don’t share your problems with them


6. But whenever you get into trouble they are the ones to stand up for you

Source: maihoshinoyume

7. All of your friends make fun of you for having such overprotected siblings

Source: fullonsms

8. Because they don’t let you go out with your friends

Source: wifflegif

9. For them, you are always the small immature kid

Source: pandawhale

10. But deep down you know having a sibling who loves and protects you all the time is such a blessing

Source: tumblr