These everyday things that people use everyday are actually harmful for you:
1. Skinny Jeans
Yes! Apart from being stylish these jeans can cause serious nerve damage, numbness in your legs and chronic pain

2. Sitting
Sitting for long hours increases your chances of getting a heart attack

3. Showering
Showering everyday is bad for us, it actually harms our skin and leaves us vulnerable for infections

4. Brushing your teeth after a meal
After eating a meal your teeth are weak from acids and sugars, brushing right after erode your teeth making them weak and brittle

5. Smartphones
They increase stress making you constantly check your phone for messages and emails

6. Artificial sweetners
They make you gain more weight than lose it.

7. Sleeping in your bra
It raises womens temperature making them sick and messes up their periods

8. Staying indoors
Lack of sunlight can leave you with less vitamin D making you lose your sex drive

9. Being bored
Being bored makes your heart beat slower making your heart weaker for stress in future

10. Bright lights
Looking into bright lights for a long time can cause headaches, fatigue, anxiety and stress.