You remember how you felt when you received your pay-cheque at the beginning of the month? You were living the high life on cloud number 9, weren’t you? Well, you know how they say, everything that goes up has to come down? Since it’s the end of the month now, everything has come crashing down and you are now officially a citizen of Brokeville. We’ve all been there and it hurts.
Here are 10 things you do when it’s the end of the month.
1. You ask one and all for lifts because you can’t afford the cheapest form of public transport anymore…
2. You avoid shopping malls like they’re the plague!! Because when you do go inside a mall you know it was a
3. You crave all sorts of food, but because you are so broke you go to your grandma’s place more often. The only place you can eat all you want without paying.

4. You can’t celebrate birthdays as you would like because you are running on a budget.

5. Also, you can’t party or hang out. 

6. You end up borrowing money.

7. You make new friends for this time of the month.
8. You plan out all the things you will do the day you get a hand on your paycheque.

9. You make a resolution to save money next month.

But then you think,