Summer is here and for some of us the summer vacations have started or are just right around the corner. We may have a lot planned for this exciting time, but what we keep forgetting are the things NOT to do in the summer. For your convenience, here is a list of 10 things you shouldn’t do this summer:
1. Don’t let yourself get thirsty
It is really important to keep yourself hydrated and drink water throughout the day. Even if you don’t feel thirsty.
2. Don’t eat too many heavy meals
Eating heavy food increases your metabolic heat production which causes your body to lose more water.
3. Don’t spend too much time in the sun
Sunburn can make it even harder to dissipate the heat from the body. Also, sunburns are unpleasant all together.
4. Don’t do a lot of strenuous exercise
You can work out, sure but, overdoing cardio can easily cause your body to go into overload and render it unable to function properly.
5. Don’t leave your children in the car!
Temperatures in parked cars can be up to 30 degrees higher. There have been many unfortunate cases of kids being left in cars for too long and not making it out alive. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
6. Don’t drink too many caffeinated or sugary drinks
Drinking chai, coffee and energy drinks will cause you to lose water. So try to drink more natural fruit juices without adding sugar to stay active.
7. Don’t wear dark-coloured clothes
Dark colours absorb more heat, so wearing dark coloured or tight-fitted clothes will only cause you to sweat more and leave you uncomfortably twitching all the time. Choose brighter colours or the traditional light-coloured shalwaar kameezs.
8. Don’t walk in or walk out of the air conditioner too often
If you’re coming from the outdoors, don’t directly go into an air-conditioned room or walk out into the heat immediately from a cold room. Give your body time to adjust to the temperature. Let yourself cool down when you come in and turn off the AC to prepare your body.
9. Don’t use salt tablets
Unless prescribed by a physician, avoid taking tablets that have more salt content.
10. Don’t push yourself
If you’re outside for too long and have started to have muscle spasms, heavy sweating, dizziness and nausea it’s probably time for you to get out of the heat. Give yourself a break and chill out!